Getting it together - Keys 1308 - 1331

Getting it together - Keys 1308 - 1331

Hurray! I am finally (finally!) finished taking an inventory and new pictures of all 1331 keys that I've made so far! OK. Well. Technically there are a few keys that left without getting their picture taken. You can check out the 1331 keys in gallery one, gallery two, and gallery three. Eventually I will have ten galleries (and that will be a fine day indeed). This project has taken months. And thousands of pictures. And lots of mistakes. These last few days have been the hardest. So grateful to be finished with this latest "I'm-going-to-get-organized" inspiration and really grateful to have sorted this out at the 1300 mark. I think I might have given up if there would have been more. Now that I have a better inventory system for the keys and their photos I'm feeling optimistic that these last months will pay off over the next 3669 keys. 3669 more keys to make - yikes! One key at a time...

Here are the latest colouring book creations:




The Colouring Book Continues: Keys 1332 - 1387

The Colouring Book Continues: Keys 1332 - 1387

The Great Reminiscing - Keys 1301 - 1307; Colouring Book Series

The Great Reminiscing - Keys 1301 - 1307; Colouring Book Series