Keys 140 - 154

Keys 140 - 154

I'm really enjoying painting the wooden keys. The way the colour licks onto each key is beautiful to me. The shimmering "halo" paints and the luscious colours of the acrylic paints are glorious to apply! I'm not done painting all the wooden keys I've made (close though!); here is the latest installment of painted wooden keys: keys 140 & 141

Some of the keys look similar but they are all different.

key 142

key 143

Key 144

Key 145

Key 146

Key 147

Key 148

Key 149

Key 150

Key 151

For some reason I am compelled to outline the edges where the colours change when I use these paints...I used a fine tipped Sharpie for the outlining and was surprised that the ink bled when I applied the self-leveling gel.

Key 152

Key 153

Key 154

This has been pretty fun. I think I'll look for more things to paint...


Keys 155 - 163

Keys 155 - 163

Keys #132 - 139

Keys #132 - 139