
It's Culture Days here in Canada - a national initiative intended to raise awareness of arts and culture in communities across the country.  Culture Days takes place in the last weekend of September every year. My workplace invited staff to showcase their creative talents as part of the kick off to Culture Days so, of course, I brought some keys. And once again I asked the question: Broadway Street Fair Question 2015What do you think this key opens?

Here's what people had to say today: ...A door leading to a world where your dreams become reality (Kevin)...possibilities...It is the key to inspiration!...intrigued (Prat)...the box that hold the Mad Hatters Hat...EVerything! (Katie)...My future Hawaiian Villa...Pandora's Box...A key to unlock your dreams...A mermaid castle...something from a mystical and magical land...Cinderella's Castle...THE FUTURE...The key can open a black hole...Key to a Heart...MINDS...Hearts & Minds...Narnia cupboard


Happy Culture Days everyone - go out and participate in something creative and enjoy the weekend!

At Last

the path widens (or, small bits of progress)

the path widens (or, small bits of progress)