Keys 297 - 302 and the breaking of keys 235 and 273

Keys 297 - 302 and the breaking of keys 235 and 273

I'm slowly getting better at following an organized system for documenting and storing the keys. It works best if I follow an order: number the key, take the picture, send it to my computer, save the picture of the key with the correct number, put the key into a numbered envelope, then into a box, and then start again. I make more mistakes when I don't follow this pattern. Maybe one day I'll make no mistakes but for now I'm content with less errors...

I'm pretty happy with key 300 so I added it to one of the shadowbox frames I have on display instead of hiding it in a box in the closet. Earlier this year I'd added a wire to the back of this frame so I could display it at the Broadway Street Fair. This is fine when the wire is zip-tied onto a display grid; not so good when hung on a wall (when the box is open the weight changes and everything slides to one side). I thought all was OK so I put the frame up with the new key - but no, the frame fell open,  slid to the side and the three keys inside fell off (two broke).

Even though I'm putting resin on the keys to hold everything together they still break when dropped. At least this time I found the end bits that broke off (and only one broke completely off; the other one just broke partially off). Of course the keys can be fixed. It's just disheartening that some days I seem to spend more time cleaning up my past errors than moving forward.

I wish I could get everything right the first time. Maybe by key 2000 I'll be better at things. Well, at least key making things.

Am telling myself to handle with care: the keys, the process, and my spirit. Also to get up and try again.

Here are the latest keys:

one side key 297








Key 297: Winter is coming...

other side key 297

Key 298: looks like a man in the centre on one side and a bow (think bow and arrow) on the bottom.

other side key 298

one side key 298










Key 299:

one side key 299

other side key 299










Key 300: laughing elephant on one side and the passing of another milestone.

one side key 300


other side key 300







At least this key survived the fall!









Key 301:

one side key 301

other side key 301

Key 302: been saving this sparkly centre on one side since before I started this project; finally it's found a home.

one side key 302

other side key 302


Keys 303 - 310

Keys 303 - 310

on Giving it Up or If you can't Beat em or Key 296

on Giving it Up or If you can't Beat em or Key 296