Keys 478 - 482

Keys 478 - 482

It's probably obvious that I enjoy making these keys. I have large terminals to make abut 2500 keys. I also have maybe 150 or so left of the smaller terminals. I like the large terminals but I really love the small ones. They are extra special to me because they are somewhat rare on this 5000 key journey. I also have some small cotter pins. Here's the latest batch of keys (which includes two precious small terminals and two small cotter pins):

Key 478 one side

Those little linky bits around the rings on the one side of Key 478 are from a bracelet; they were originally stacked together so now they get to show off a side of themselves that the world didn't originally see.

Key 478 other side

Key 479 one side

Note the Seahorse on the end of that one side of Key 479 and the lovely flower broach on the other side.

Key 479 other side


Key 480 one side

I like the calmness of this little Key 480. And that Seahorse is back again on the other side of this key (only this time he's still attached to his original white bracelet bead - which, according to another bead that I haven't used yet - is from Jamaica).

Key 480 other side


Key 481 one side

Here's a lively gold shiny cotter key and a light blue star on the one side of Key 481 with a very satiny sparkly gold earring in the centre of the other side.

Key 481 other side

Key 482 one side

Two earrings make up the end of Key 482. I'm very satisfied with how well the end meshed together as if it was always meant to be that way. Reminds me of a key for a wind-up toy.

Key 482 other side

Thanks for stopping by!

Keys 483 - 494  A scattering of flowers

Keys 483 - 494 A scattering of flowers

A Baker's Dozen or Keys 465 - 477

A Baker's Dozen or Keys 465 - 477