

IMG_0489 IMG_0487Today I am taking part in Remix - a show and sale of upcycled furniture and other artifacts. The furniture in this show is really beautiful - all the stuff that Home Sense and Winners tries to be only the furniture is actually refinished, re-purposed, and substantial instead of a quick and light reproduction of an upcycled piece. I have a booth where I will have keys, dragon eggs, fairy doors, and glass garden mushrooms. I'm hoping that I won't have to take home any eggs or doors. I also have a few art pieces in the "gallery" portion of the show. I know that most people don't "get" the purpose of my key project or why someone would even want a key. That's OK. I'm OK (even though I'm nervous). Wish me luck!

Keys 605 - 607

Keys 605 - 607

Keys 601 - 604

Keys 601 - 604