(in)Side Effects
I knew that a phone cam made it easier to peek into the infinity boxes ; I had no idea when I made the boxes how much people would embrace this - I assumed they'd just look with their eyes. Unwittingly I've created a 21st Century interactive experience. On Friday I received the most lovely email of photos describing the tiny phone cam lens as a "periscope offering thousands of perspectives". It's so easy for me to get stuck in a negative and narrow view; one of the reasons I wanted to share Infinite Spaces is because my mind can't quite grasp the concept that the possibilities in life are infinite. Maybe if I proclaim this truth I can truly know it.
I feel blessed to have my work reflected back to me in a way that makes me see new things. Thank you R. for your kind words and the beautiful, detailed photos. I never imagined the work would touch people this way. What a gift you have given me.
Here are those lovely pictures: