Keys 617 - 619

Keys 617 - 619

Key 617 one side Key 617: a white shaft and a bright red ring. All of the objects on the bow of the one side were found on the ground. I like the patina on the very beat up washer. Here is a key that has been through something and yet is still bright and crisp.

Key 617 other side

Key 618 one side

Key 618 other side










Yes that is a treble clef on the blade of the other side of Key 618.

Key 619 one side

Key 619 other side

I've been waiting for a place for this vibrant red heart and I finally found one (Key 619 other side).


Key 616 - I'm sorry I missed you

Key 616 - I'm sorry I missed you

Out of the Basement

Out of the Basement