Keys 641 - 643 Beauty in the Beat Up

Keys 641 - 643 Beauty in the Beat Up

If I could put a strike-through over beat up I would do it and make the title of this post: Keys 641 - 643 Beauty in the Beat Up Well-Traveled. I like the way beauty in the beat up sounds - I'm not an advocate for people getting knocked out by life (or worse, other people) - it's just that I prefer the individual patinas of objects that have been on a journey. I love found and upcycled objects because they are interesting, unique, and quite impossible to replicate. Key 641 one side

Key 641 - a lovely rusty washer from the road and a ring snaking around the centre...



Key 641 other side

Key 642 one side

Key 642 - a pretty flowered locket on the one side and a delicate pearl of a heart on the other side that's centred in a piece of jewelry that's well-traveled.

I'm really happy with how the end of this key turned out; it's more key-like than most of the other ends.

Key 642 other side

Key 643 one side


Key 643 is very silver; that's a needle threader and a butterfly on the end of the one side and a pair of angel wings on the centre of the other side.

Key 643 other side



Detours and Distractions

Detours and Distractions

Yes, there are seconds where I want to  give this up...

Yes, there are seconds where I want to give this up...