Keys 644 - 647

Keys 644 - 647

The keys are created in batches and stages: attaching of ends & rings, decorating one side, decorating the other, maybe adding some more bits, maybe taking others away, applying resin (first one side, then the other)... Keys 644 and 645 are from the last batch; keys 646 and 647 came later.  Probably you would have guessed that. Key 644 one side

Key 644 other side

Key 645 one side

Key 645 other side

Key 646 one side

Key 646 other side

Key 647 one side

Key 647 other side

Keys 648 - 650 Gifts and Treasures Everywhere

Keys 648 - 650 Gifts and Treasures Everywhere

Detours and Distractions

Detours and Distractions