Starting to like the Paperquilling Again - Keys 906 - 912

Starting to like the Paperquilling Again - Keys 906 - 912

If you've been following along you know that I'm making 5000 keys and currently working through another series of ten keys ten ways - this time in paper. I made ten cereal box templates of keys and have been diligently making paper keys from them. Well...I got sidetracked a few times into other projects...but mostly I've been making steady progress. Working with one design through ten different paper mediums was a great learning experience. I started to think about design in a new way and really got to know each template.  I also began to find I really liked paperquilling with the wider paper strips that I cut myself; working with the store bought standard sized paperquilling strips - not so much. Alas! (yes, Alas!) the paper keys were turning into a bit of a chore. While I don't expect this project to be joyful all the way I don't want it to be a chore either - because then it really would be a pointless project.

I decided to bite the bullet or eat the frog first or just get 'er done and switched things up a bit.

Keys 906 (standard strips) and 907 (wide strips) are made from template 5; Key 908 - 912 are made from templates 6 - 10 using store bought standard size paperquilling strips. Somewhere around Key 909 I started having fun with this medium again.

Key 906

Key 907

Key 908

Key 909

Key 910

Key 911

Key 912


Fat Paperquilling! Keys 913 - 917

Fat Paperquilling! Keys 913 - 917

Recount! (Keys 898 - 905)

Recount! (Keys 898 - 905)