Treasures! Keys 979 - 983

Treasures! Keys 979 - 983

Last month I was very fortunate to take part in the 3rd Annual Remix Show and Sale where I met the lovely Randi Smith Bender of The Altered Diva; Randi makes jewelry from vintage pieces (many which are sourced in France).  She graciously brought me a bag of key-making goodies from her "I-can't-really-use-this-but-don't-want-to-throw-it-out-pile". Key 979 is built around a squished metal pipe my husband found in Calgary; the end bits are from Randi's gift bag:

Key 980 has the centre of a lock (which came in a bag of locksmith goodies my friend gave me); the big round metal piece is another find from my husband:

The sparkly moon swirl on Key 980 is from Randi - I am lucky she decided to part with this - it's gorgeous! I'm working on taking better pictures but could not take one that does the sparkles justice. The pen nib on the other side of Key 981 is also from Randi - I think they are perfect for the 5000 keys!

Key 982 is made with a small terminal; I don't have very many of the small terminals in my supplies so any of the keys I make with them are extra special. I think the pen nib looks cool on the end; the other end is made with a fancy old hinge (another Randi gift) that I took apart.

What a cool swirl for Key 983 - how fortunate I was to receive this - Randi was truly generous in her gift!



Keys 984 - 986

Keys 984 - 986

Keeping it Simple: Keys 977 - 978