A Ghost Key and the Completion of the Colouring Book! Keys 1400 - 1422

A Ghost Key and the Completion of the Colouring Book! Keys 1400 - 1422

I have come to the end of my colouring book adventures. And I've made it into the 1400s - one more mini-milestone closer to my goal of 5000!

When I was colouring key 1401 I couldn't stop thinking: the world is on fire! - not because we were in the middle of a heat wave when I was working on it but because the world seems rampant with strife.

I felt like my colouring improved a bit from the start of this series and am particularly happy with the way these 1400 keys turned out.

Key 1422 started to appear when I coloured keys on the other side of a page that had already been coloured. I decided to keep those impressions going to create an additional "ghost key" as I worked through the book.

Back in the Comfort Zone: Key 1423

Back in the Comfort Zone: Key 1423

Swano - Keys 1398 - 1399

Swano - Keys 1398 - 1399