Flock It! Fuzzy Poster #7 and Key 1904
It’s not all fun and games in my key-making world. Sometimes, like for Fuzzy Poster #7, it’s a right hot mess! I don’t know what happened when I went to make this one - even though I’d already made 6 posters on the Silhouette Curio machine - I COULD NOT GET my design to cut out properly!
First, the cut wasn’t deep enough (waa? I didn’t change any settings!), on the second attempt only half of the design was cut, on the third try the machine cut the design over itself creating a “double vision” of cuts (Key 1894). I think there were a few more attempts in there before EVERYTHING WENT REALLY WRONG and two designs melded over top of each other (while simultaneously moving outside of the designated cutting area taking chunks of little hearts out of the Curio loading tray!)
I went to the google for help. I updated my software (and I’m still not sure that I did that right). I gave up on the design for Poster #7 and moved on to Poster #8. I had no strength to make up any additional keys in the many open spaces of Poster #8 (or #7 for that matter). I used up the very last piece of velour paper I had…
inevitably I decided to try again. I went to the local craft store. They don’t sell velour paper. I gave up on Poster #7 again. I had a thought in the night that maybe I should give just flock it...
I cut the fuzzy poster #7 design out blueish/ grey card stock. It worked! Painted some water based varnish onto the cut-out design to seal the paper.
Then I set up a flocking station (a plastic tub lined with a large orange lawn and garden bag). Once the varnished paper was dry I put on some disposable gloves and painted on the flocking base coat (a glue-like black paint), popped the base coated pieces into the plastic tub, and pumped black flocking over them. Success! I didn’t quite wait the suggested ten hours before I peeled the finished pieces from the bin and then glued them onto some poster paper.
Hurray this process worked!! I love the richness of the flocked paper. I was somewhat messy during the gluing process and got bits of flocking where I didn’t want them. It was time to move on from this project so I declared the poster creating finished and ready to colour!
finished poster - ready to colour!
The completed Fuzzy Poster #7 and Key 1904: