Making A Milestone Special: Keys 2097 - 2100

Making A Milestone Special: Keys 2097 - 2100

Years ago I was taking a class on enameling and the instructor talked about pieces that are extra special - work that almost unexpectedly stands out and hits all the right notes. I have an attachment to all the keys I create but Key 2100 is one of those keys that won’t be stored away in a box - a key to set aside and remember. How delightful that such a special key also marks a mini milestone!

Key 2097 is made from part of a vape pen that my husband found and a CCM sticker that I found. Of course it also consists of old bits of jewelry and other left on the road metal bits.

Key 2098 is made from shattered bits of jewelry.

Key 2099 is mostly made from parts of a vintage (1910) adding machine, an interesting glass globe that had a small magnet in one side, and a few pieces of old jewelry.

Key 2100 is made up of many magical pieces of vintage jewelry, another piece of that old adding machine, and special road finds. I was gifted with several precious gems in pre-pandemic times and added an opal to this piece. This piece really takes my imagination away and I hope it creates a sense of magic and wonder when people encounter it.

Softer Versions of You: Keys 2101 - 2106

Softer Versions of You: Keys 2101 - 2106

The Great Unlocking: Keys 2082 - 2096

The Great Unlocking: Keys 2082 - 2096