Steady as She Goes: Keys 2241 - 2256

Steady as She Goes: Keys 2241 - 2256

Today I got confirmation that the rapid test was correct and that I indeed, do have COVID-19. It’s been another different Christmas. This time isolating with my immediate family. I’m sorry that my kids (can you still call them that when they’re adults?) came home and can’t leave the house but I am entirely grateful that they are recovered and here with us. It is amazing to me that we were able to get tested on Christmas Eve and have results early Boxing Day morning. A very privileged place to be thanks to the health care workers and living in Canada. A few weeks ago I thought I might actually reach my goal of getting to 2500 keys by the New Year. Now I’m not so sure. But I’m just going to keep going and hope this cough goes away soon. Oh and in case you are wondering we are all double vaccinated. My husband had his booster a few weeks ago and I had mine a few days before coming down with symptoms.

Specimens: Keys 2257 - 2266

Specimens: Keys 2257 - 2266

Collage Creations: Keys 2204 and 2205

Collage Creations: Keys 2204 and 2205