Fresh Start: Keys 2044 - 2051

Fresh Start: Keys 2044 - 2051

I opened some new bottles of resin and it feels like I’m getting a fresh start; the new resin seems substantially clearer than the dregs I was using from the old bottles. Slowly I am getting better at working with the resin and I’m also spending more time finishing each key (and more time on some keys than others). But not too much time. Because I’ve got lots of keys to make yet. Here are the latest:

Key 2044 one side.JPG
Key 2044 other side.JPG
Key 2045 one side.JPG
Key 2045 other side.JPG
Key 2046 one side.JPG
Key 2046 other side.JPG
Key 2047 one side.JPG
Key 2047 other side.JPG
Key 2048 one side.JPG
Key 2048 other side.JPG
Key 2049 other side.JPG
Key 2050 one side.JPG
Key 2050 Other Side.JPG
Key 2051 one side.JPG
Fresh Resin - Keys 2052 - 2055

Fresh Resin - Keys 2052 - 2055

The Things We Go Back For: Keys 2035 - 2043

The Things We Go Back For: Keys 2035 - 2043