Know When to Fold 'Em: Keys 2445 - 2463

Know When to Fold 'Em: Keys 2445 - 2463

I was on a bit of a roll with these ornamental letter keys and then I ran into some troubles and woes…not only was I rubbing off the ink along with the paper in this new letter/resin technique I’ve been trying I was ripping the keys apart too. Fixable, sure. Annoying, you bet! To top it all off I somehow managed to get a top layer of unmixed resin on several keys — this resulted in a sticky mess. Sometimes I managed to scrape the mess off and on one or two occasions I decided the extra work just wasn’t worth it and sent the key into the trash. Usually I would persevere and finish every key because, you know, it’s all about acceptance and 5000 is still a lot of keys so if at all possible every key is going to count. But sometimes, you just have to know when to fold ‘em and start again.

Keys 2464 - 2495

Keys 2464 - 2495

Keys 2437 - 2443 and a Very Thin Key 2444

Keys 2437 - 2443 and a Very Thin Key 2444