Halfway There: Keys 1 - 2500!

Halfway There: Keys 1 - 2500!

Eight years ago I set out to make some doorway sculptures and instead I made a dozen keys.

Then a little over seven years ago I made a vow to make 5000 keys. 5000 keys can you believe it? And now, here I am, with 2500 keys behind me.

I am very grateful for the many people who have helped and encouraged me in this quest. I have been blessed by people gifting me items to use in my key-making, saying kind words, asking about the project, and sometimes even buying a key.

I had one moment of “why am I doing this?” about three months in; then I found a cool thing and decided to stay the curious course.

From time to time I go back and review my key-making adventure guide. I’m pretty happy that I’ve honoured and followed these rules:

1. Enjoy the making of each key.

2. Let each key express its uniqueness and take as much time as it takes to be complete.

3. Explore all key-making ideas.

4. Try things.

5. Appreciate all the "finds" along the way.

6. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good (this won't be a problem for me - I just happen to really like this saying so I'm including it here).

7. Thank the people who help you.

8. Focus on the key at hand (because frankly it's a little overwhelming to think about making all 5000 keys).

9. Celebrate the milestones.

10. Have fun!

In honour of reaching this milestone I have made two videos - a short one of highlights of the first 2500 keys and a longer one (11 minutes if you’re up for it) showcasing all the keys I have made.

Insta- Inspired: Keys 2501 - 2517

Insta- Inspired: Keys 2501 - 2517

Keys 2496 - 2500: Just Golden Key It!

Keys 2496 - 2500: Just Golden Key It!