Finished Poster: Keys 1541 - 1615

Finished Poster: Keys 1541 - 1615

The homage to Doodle Art poster is finished! 146 keys in this poster - bringing me up to one thousand six hundred and fifteen completed keys on my 5000 key journey! That’s 1,615. Not bad I say.

When I look at the completed poster I think, meh, it’s just another poster that someone coloured; but when I remember - hey that was a blank piece of paper and I drew the poster (based on keys I created) and that someone who coloured was me then I go - well that’s a bit of alright!

As I get older I seem to only remember the best parts of my childhood - like colouring Doodle Art posters with my brothers. I’m going to frame this poster and put it somewhere I can see it and be reminded of happy memories and the joy of creating!

Learn more about this poster’s story.

completed poster.jpg
Petit Point - Keys 1616 - 1628

Petit Point - Keys 1616 - 1628

Birth of a Poster: Keys 1469 - 1540

Birth of a Poster: Keys 1469 - 1540