Keys 727 - 729

Keys 727 - 729

Here are the latest keys: Key 727 has a cat that I think looks pretty sharp on both sides...

Key 727 one side

Key 727 other side

Key 728 reminds me of a dancer...

Key 728 one side

Key 728 other side

Key 729 is larger, unwieldy, and somewhat dripped in tears...but it's bold and beautiful too...several people have told me this one is their favourite...the end bit is made with jewelry and a piece of a golf bag ornament (the clubs are on the end of Key 726)

Key 729 one side

Key 729 other side

Thanks for stopping by.







Key 730 - 733 Unintentional Reflections

Keys 718 - 726 back to the found objects

Keys 718 - 726 back to the found objects