Key 730 - 733 Unintentional Reflections

Prior to my fall travel adventure I bought a sturdier case for my tablet; I wanted to provide better protection for my device than the one-sided cover I'd been using. It's bright blue and green. I purchased this because it was the closest thing in the bin at Winners that suited my taste and met my needs. case

Recently I had another travel adventure - this time for work. Cleverly (or so I thought), I took photos of keys before I left - this way I could keep my project going even though I was at a conference.

I had noticed a green reflection from my new tablet case a few times in previous photographs. Usually when this happens I end up removing the case and retaking the photos (because a silver reflection is not as noticeable as a green one). This time, however...I didn't notice my error until I was two provinces away. You can see that unintentional green reflection on one side of Key 730 and on the other sides of Keys 731, 732, and 733.

I'm leaving these photos as they are. Have to keep moving forward. Got the memo about taking some time to really notice how my actions influence my goals.

Key 730 one side

Key 730 has a police badge on one side that my husband found on the way to the coffee shop (yes, he finds a lot of things on that path - a busy road that is also a bus route). And that is a bottle opener on the end.

Key 730 Other Side

Key 731 one side







Key 731 has a fancy belt link on one side and pieces from two collector spoons on the other side.

Key 731 other side

Key 732 one side


Key 732 is made with one half of a very fancy bracelet. The sparkles in the rhinestones and the gold of the bracelet are quite stunning to me - the picture really doesn't do this key justice. The body of this key is spray painted with a luscious chrome paint.

Key 732 other side

Key 733 one side

The wings on Key 733 are from a box that was shaped like a swan. This is another key that sparkles more in person than in the photo.

Key 733 other side

Thanks for stopping by!





Keys 734 - 736 more road treasures

Keys 734 - 736 more road treasures

Keys 727 - 729

Keys 727 - 729