Tying Up Loose Ends: Keys 2522 - 2526

Tying Up Loose Ends: Keys 2522 - 2526

Taking part in the Saskatchewan Fashion Weekend Jack Millikin Centre and Wiebe Works Wearable Art Show and Gala was a terrific experience that took a lot out of me. My key-making came to somewhat of a standstill after that and then, just prior to Christmas holidays, we had mice move into our house.

I’ll just pause here and say that I am scared of mice. We could have spiders, bugs, snakes even and I’d be like - meh (well, I might react more than just a bit if a snake was actually in the house). But rodents…I know it’s not logical but they freak me out.

Strangely enough, I was on a work call when I saw a mouse slowly enter the room (like a cat I thought) and take several good looks around (long enough and slowly enough for me to say three of four times - “um…there’s a mouse in our house, there’s a mouse in our house” to my colleague before ending the call and dashing upstairs to my much calmer and more capable rodent catching husband).

Our basement is pretty clean as our house is small and we can sometimes get water seepage (so I keep the floors fairly clear). It did get a very thorough cleaning after that first mouse was spotted. I still don’t know where in the house they were hiding (other than under the fridge) but we caught five of them and haven’t seen any signs since that last fateful trap snap.

I had two keys on my workbench (2522 and 2523) that I finally finished off, two keys on my workbench for over a year that I didn’t think were worth completing (2524 and 2525) but changed my mind on, and one key (2526) from last January that was caught between a workbench and the wall.

Here’s those keys:

I made it from the Radio: Keys 2527 - 2530

I made it from the Radio: Keys 2527 - 2530