Keys 2591 - 2596 On Being Human and Sorting Things Out

Keys 2591 - 2596 On Being Human and Sorting Things Out

Finally I am back making keys and leaving what was an extra long cough and cold — and frankly a very difficult year — behind me. Luckily for me there was some interest in my keys last week — a long story (that I hope to share more of) which ended up with someone asking to purchase Key 2595. Of course I was happy to oblige. Sadly, I did not actually send the picture of what I thought was Key 2595 in my hand when making arrangements for key pick up. And it wasn’t until this morning that I realized that this very nice person that I just met came to my house and was presented with Key 2596 - and not Key 2595….argh!!!

I like to think of myself as pretty organized but I suppose I can take this as a reminder that we are all human and it’s ok to not be perfect (because really I think that’s the best option at this point). Of course the wrong key was purchased. Thankfully the apology email I sent this morning was met with understanding and my error will be corrected soon!

Here’s to being gentle with oneself and also my latest keys:

Key 2591 is made with a really big piece of “York” metal my husband found on his daily walk (not sure if it’s part of a tap or what). a little brass tap that I think he also found, a brass curtain rod, and other bits and pieces from my collection.

Key 2592 is also made with part of a brass curtain rod, an earring that my husband found (sadly I accidentally squished it when I was working on this key - let’s just say it adds character and is another “you’re only human” reminder”), parts of a weird brass thing that I found, and some small bits from my collection. I like the simplicity and “keyness’ of this key.

Key 2593 is made with vintage jewelry and bits and pieces from my supplies. I’m not totally sure why but this key reminds me of Christmas (probably has something to do with the shade of red and the extra sparkly gold parts). I added the rhinestone to one of the red petals because I had ripped off part of the red paint in that spot when I was taking off a particularly unsightly blob of resin. More sorting out of mistakes!

Key 2594 is made with what I’m pretty sure is part of the bobbin holder on a sewing machine, a section of a display easel (we had several of these easels at the office that were no longer useable and I happily rescued them from the trash), bit and pieces from my supplies, and some lovely parts of jewelry that I got at my recent trip to Value Village.

Key 2595 is made with part of a brass serving spoon that I got many years ago at a garage sale. Earlier in the fall I spent time in the garage with some power tools and cut several metal items I’d collected over the years into useable key-making parts. I had some of the jewelry and shiny bits in my collection but many of the parts in this key are from the recent Value Village haul. I am very happy with this key and really look forward to getting it to its new owner.

And last but not least is the little Key 2596 - made from an earring my husband found on his morning walk, part of a necklace, an old earring of mine, and some small beads and embellishments. I think I’ll keep this one out as a reminder to slow down, double check, accept myself and the mistakes I make, and be thankful that most things can be corrected through open communication and understanding.

Keys 2597 - 2603 Making Keys Big and Small

Keys 2597 - 2603 Making Keys Big and Small

Keys 2585 - 2590 What is Old is New Again

Keys 2585 - 2590 What is Old is New Again