Keys 2585 - 2590 What is Old is New Again

Keys 2585 - 2590 What is Old is New Again

I was a little sad the other day when a memory of Key 2502 popped up in my social media feed and I realized it’s been a year and I haven’t even managed to make 100 more keys. It’s been a pretty big year of changes in my family and work life and I’m still waiting for things to settle out a bit. The good news is they are settling and I’m mostly intact and back to making keys!

I went to value village and picked up a bag of broken jewelry bits along with a few other pieces. This has renewed my key-making energy somewhat.

Here are my latest creations:

Keys 2591 - 2596 On Being Human and Sorting Things Out

Keys 2591 - 2596 On Being Human and Sorting Things Out

Silverware! Keys 2575 - 2584

Silverware! Keys 2575 - 2584